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ICX 7150

New Contributor

My ICX 7150 has stopped working. There was no WiFi signal in my house so I checked the ICX and it was dead. I recycled power to it and the status lights cam on momentarily but then extinguished and nothing happened. Would not reboot. Can it be fixed?




Non-working APNon-working AP

Twice w/ my finger is working AP. Wire to left is the other APTwice w/ my finger is working AP. Wire to left is the other AP

Hi @rbushore 


Thanks for your response,


As you have mentioned that after the factory reset your non working AP started working again I request you to try performing the factory reset on your non working AP again for one last time. If it fails to work then we request you to try replacing with another cable with the switch and make sure that the cable is in good condition. Once you are done with the step please check the LED status of the access points and let us know the result.


Please let us know if you have any queries in this regard.



Best regards,


Lennar Home Community