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ICX-7150-c12P will not reset, no IP address listed after checking with advanced IP scanner

New Contributor

This is the 2nd time this has happened to me, this time worse than the last. Unable to reset my Switch. After following suggestions on the forum, I reset my broadband connection, reset my router, and multiple times tried to reset the Switch itself using the paper clip method. Lights flash amber and then stay black. Same thing happened last year around the same time, effectively leaving me without internet (no internet = very angry toddlers). Based on previous conversations with other Lennar owners, I should be able to RMA the device and start over. Considering this has happened more than once, I think I'd rather have my money BACK and go with a new system that doesn't require an advanced degree in computer sciences every time I have a power surge (I think my AC turning on in a nearly new house set it off). Here's the Google Drive link with pictures and videos of the issue.

Please advise on how to make this return/exchange as quick as possible as my partner and I both work from home and the whole point of the Ruckus was to prevent dead zones for our wifi... like those I experience in my office. 



Hi @


Thank you for contacting RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

I hope you are doing well!!!

Thank you for the information you shared.

As per the case description, I understand that your RUCKUS switch is not turning on.

Also, you have mentioned that the pictures and video is uploaded in the link; however, we are unable to view the video and pictures.

Could you please plug your ICX-7150-C12P Switch into a working power outlet and send us PICTURES and VIDEO of it showing the light status, and a cord connected to the Switch and a working power outlet? Please refer to the below pictures as an example.

Please use the below link to upload a VIDEO:

Please let me know if you have any queries in this regard.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding. 


Best regards,

Pinky Rajendran

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.





Hi @RMontes925 ,

Thank you for your prompt response.

Could you kindly shoot a video similar to the EXAMPLE Video provided in the link? In the video, please ensure to capture the following:

1. Show the plug of the ICX-7150-C12P Switch being connected to a working outlet.
2. Simultaneously, display the light status on the switch.

Thank you once again for your cooperation and understanding.


Best regards,

Pinky Rajendran

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

Hello @RMontes925 ,


This is a follow-up in reference to the case you have opened in the Ruckus Lennar Support Community.

I would like to know if you require further assistance since our last correspondence. Should you have any questions or if the status of your case has changed, please let me know by responding to this post.

Please feel free to contact if you have any further concerns regarding the same.


Best regards,

Pinky Rajendran

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.