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ICX 7150-C12P very slow

New Contributor

June 29th we had a power outage in the area and when it rebooted the speeds were extremely slow (ex. cannot open websites, house apps not working, cannot stream videos, etc).  I have checked these message boards and tried several things and it is still not working:

- restarted the switch / APs

- updated the firmware

- tried to re-add the switch on the portal (right now it shows disconnected and Unleashed system only supports ICX firmware version 08.0.90 or later.)

- tried the steps to view/update the route code using Putty ..... and so many other recommendations but nothing works!

Can someone contact me directly to help walk me through this?  I'm a regular person working from home and need my network up ASAP.


Hello @6423prl 


Thank you for your response and update.

To ensure compatibility with newer versions, please connect the Ethernet cables to any of the 12 available ports.

I recommend performing a factory reset on your RUCKUS Access Point and setting up a new Wi-Fi Network/SSID.

For detailed instructions on the factory reset process, please consult the RUCKUS Lennar Knowledge Base self-help guide available here:

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi  
RUCKUS Lennar Home Community

View solution in original post


Hi @6423prl 

Thank you for the response and the update.

TO check further, please help me with output of the commands mentioned below:

please execute the following commands and provide the outputs:


   show version

   show inline power

   show inline power detail

   show interface brief

   show lldp neighbors detail

   show ip address


Please share the command outputs or screenshots if you encounter any issues or errors during these steps. 

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require further assistance.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community

New Contributor

here you go:

No password has been assigned yet...
SSH@ICX7150-C12-Switch#show version
Copyright (c) Ruckus Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
UNIT 1: compiled on May 6 2022 at 23:24:50 labeled as SPS08095g
(31457280 bytes) from Primary SPS08095g.bin (UFI)
SW: Version 08.0.95gT211
Compressed Primary Boot Code size = 786944, Version:10.1.14T225 (mnz10114)
Compiled on Thu Nov 15 12:59:22 2018

HW: Stackable ICX7150-C12-POE
UNIT 1: SL 1: ICX7150-C12-2X1G POE 12-port Management Module
Serial #:FEK3852Q385
Software Package: BASE_SOFT_PACKAGE
Current License: 2X1G
P-ASIC 0: type B160, rev 11 Chip BCM56160_B0
UNIT 1: SL 2: ICX7150-2X1GC 2-port 2G Module
UNIT 1: SL 3: ICX7150-2X10GF 2-port 20G Module
1000 MHz ARM processor ARMv7 88 MHz bus
8 MB boot flash memory
2 GB code flash memory
STACKID 1 system uptime is 49 minute(s) 29 second(s)
The system started at 23:28:15 GMT+00 Fri May 06 2022

The system : started=cold start

========== WARNING: Boot-monitor version mismatch!!! ==========
========== Please use "show boot-monitor" command for details ==========
SSH@ICX7150-C12-Switch#show inline power

Power Capacity: Total is 124000 mWatts. Current Free is 77800 mWatts.

Power Allocations: Requests Honored 12 times

Port Admin Oper ---Power(mWatts)--- PD Type PD Class Pri Fault/
State State Consumed Allocated Error
1/1/1 On On 3300 15400 2P-IEEE Class 3 3 n/a
1/1/2 On On 3200 15400 2P-IEEE Class 3 3 n/a
1/1/3 On On 3200 15400 2P-IEEE Class 3 3 n/a
1/1/4 On Non-PD 0 0 n/a n/a 3 non-standard PD
1/1/5 On Off 0 0 n/a n/a 3 n/a
1/1/6 On Off 0 0 n/a n/a 3 n/a
1/1/7 On Non-PD 0 0 n/a n/a 3 n/a
1/1/8 On Off 0 0 n/a n/a 3 n/a
1/1/9 On Off 0 0 n/a n/a 3 n/a
1/1/10 On Off 0 0 n/a n/a 3 n/a
1/1/11 On Off 0 0 n/a n/a 3 n/a
1/1/12 On Off 0 0 n/a n/a 3 n/a
Total 9700 46200

SSH@ICX7150-C12-Switch#show inline power detail

Power Supply Data On unit 1:


Power Supply Data:

Power Supply #1:
Max Curr: 2.3 Amps
Voltage: 54.0 Volts
Capacity: 124 Watts
PoePower: 124 Watts

POE Details Info. On Unit 1 :

General PoE Data:

02.1.8 Build 004


Device HW version : 0:V2R4 1:V2R4
Device Temperature(deg-C) : 0:50 1:54
Device Status : 0:Good 1:Good


Cumulative Port State Data:

#Ports #Ports #Ports #Ports #Ports #Ports #Ports
Admin-On Admin-Off Oper-On Oper-Off Off-Denied Off-No-PD Off-Fault
12 0 3 9 0 9 0


Cumulative Port Power Data:

#Ports #Ports #Ports Power Power
Pri: 1 Pri: 2 Pri: 3 Consumption Allocation
0 0 12 9.700 W 46.200 W

SSH@ICX7150-C12-Switch#show interface brief

Port Link State Dupl Speed Trunk Tag Pvid Pri MAC Name
1/1/1 Up Forward Full 1G None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2a3
1/1/2 Up Forward Full 1G None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2a4
1/1/3 Up Forward Full 1G None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2a5
1/1/4 Up Forward Full 1G None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2a6
1/1/5 Down None None None None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2a7
1/1/6 Down None None None None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2a8
1/1/7 Up Forward Half 10M None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2a9
1/1/8 Down None None None None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2aa
1/1/9 Down None None None None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2ab
1/1/10 Down None None None None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2ac
1/1/11 Down None None None None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2ad
1/1/12 Down None None None None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2ae
1/2/1 Down None None None None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2b0
1/2/2 Down None None None None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2b1
1/3/1 Down None None None None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2b2
1/3/2 Down None None None None No 1 0 c0c5.209f.b2b3
mgmt1 Down None None None None No None 0 c0c5.209f.b2a3
SSH@ICX7150-C12-Switch#show lldp neighbors detail
Local port: 1/1/1
Neighbor: c803.f52b.18c0, TTL 102 seconds
+ Chassis ID (MAC address): c803.f52b.18c0
+ Port ID (MAC address): c803.f52b.18c0
+ Time to live: 120 seconds
+ System name: RuckusAP
+ System description : "Ruckus R510 Multimedia Hotzone Wireless AP/SW Ver\
+ System capabilities : bridge, WLAN access point, router
Enabled capabilities: bridge, WLAN access point
+ Management address (IPv4):
+ Port description : "eth0"
+ Link aggregation: capable, but not aggregated
+ 802.3 MAC/PHY : auto-negotiation enabled
Advertised capabilities: 10BaseT-HD, 10BaseT-FD, 100BaseTX-HD,
100BaseTX-FD, fdxPause, fdxAPause, 1000BaseT-FD
Operational MAU type : 1000BaseT-FD

Local port: 1/1/2
Neighbor: c803.f52a.9aa0, TTL 119 seconds
+ Chassis ID (MAC address): c803.f52a.9aa0
+ Port ID (MAC address): c803.f52a.9aa0
+ Time to live: 120 seconds
+ System name: RuckusAP
+ System description : "Ruckus R510 Multimedia Hotzone Wireless AP/SW Ver\
+ System capabilities : bridge, WLAN access point, router
Enabled capabilities: bridge, WLAN access point
+ Management address (IPv4):
+ Port description : "eth0"
+ Link aggregation: capable, but not aggregated
+ 802.3 MAC/PHY : auto-negotiation enabled
Advertised capabilities: 10BaseT-HD, 10BaseT-FD, 100BaseTX-HD,
100BaseTX-FD, fdxPause, fdxAPause, 1000BaseT-FD
Operational MAU type : 1000BaseT-FD

Local port: 1/1/3
Neighbor: 4cb1.cd1f.92e0, TTL 118 seconds
+ Chassis ID (MAC address): 4cb1.cd1f.92e0
+ Port ID (MAC address): 4cb1.cd1f.92e0
+ Time to live: 120 seconds
+ System name: RuckusAP
+ System description : "Ruckus R510 Multimedia Hotzone Wireless AP/SW Ver\
+ System capabilities : bridge, WLAN access point, router
Enabled capabilities: bridge, WLAN access point
+ Management address (IPv4):
+ Port description : "eth0"
+ Link aggregation: capable, but not aggregated
+ 802.3 MAC/PHY : auto-negotiation enabled
Advertised capabilities: 10BaseT-HD, 10BaseT-FD, 100BaseTX-HD,
100BaseTX-FD, fdxPause, fdxAPause, 1000BaseT-FD
Operational MAU type : 1000BaseT-FD

SSH@ICX7150-C12-Switch#show ip address
IP Address Type Lease Time Dynamic 169976

New Contributor

and here is one more for the boot monitor warning above in case you need it also:

SSH@ICX7150-C12-Switch#show boot-monitor
Stack unit 1:
Current Version : 10.1.14
Recommended Version: 10.1.24 (Mismatch)

Hi @6423prl 

Thank you for the response and the update.

Please perform the below commands once and check if boot-code matches.


copy flash flash primary


Additionally, could you please share a picture showing the cable connections to your RUCKUS ICX-7150-C12P Switch? (Refer to the below screenshot for the same)

Please let me know if you have any queries in this regard.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding.


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

New Contributor

boot monitor still has the same mismatch.  and I do not have permission to upload images.  please advise