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I have an ICX 7150-C12P and the PoE has switched off.

New Contributor II
I have an ICX 7150-C12P. The power was out for several hours and when it came back on the PoE wasn't active. I have done the factory reset about a dozen times and I can't get it back. I've read all these complex instructions on finding IP address, using a terminal prompt etc etc etc. Unfortunately all of that is over my head. Is there a way to manually turn it back on? Any help is greatly appreciated.

RUCKUS Team Member
Hi Geo

This is how you would turn POE on an individual port:


con t

int e 1/1/1

inline power

you can also reload the code and power cycle. 

Please let me know if that help?

New Contributor II
Hi ,

Please activate the POE 

#conf t

conf)#interface eth 1/1/1 to 1/1/10
conf-If)#inline power power-by-class 3


Contributor III
Usually, you don't set the power class though.

Just enable LLDP and other protocols...  The devices should then set what they need.

lldp run
fdp run
cdp run

08.0.80 builds and later have POE turned on by default.

New Contributor III
Assuming it's under warranty, I'd open a ticket on this issue and have TAC help you troubleshoot the issue.  I've been down that road more than a few times with the 7150-C12P switches.