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Accessing the ICX7150 Switch

New Contributor

My switch stopped sending power to my access ports and now I’m trying to access the switch but do not have the login for it. I’ve tried using the Usbc and Ethernet console port and neither would return the switch interface. Please help.


Hi @Joyced 

Thank you for the response and the information you shared.

Could you please try to log into the Switch CLI using the default credential?

Switch default credentials will be as mentioned below. 

Username: super

Password: sp-admin

If the above credentials don’t work, you can try below default credential combinations as well.

Please check and let me know if that works.

Thank you again. We appreciate your patience and understanding.


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

Hello- I tried them and none of them worked. 

Hi @Joyced 

Thank you for the response and the update.

Could you please download the Putty Application and try to log in to the CLI using the Switch IP Address from the IP Scan and share the output of the below commands?

Putty download link: 

You could try the Telnet option to log in to CLI (Putty).

Telnet – Port 23 (If SSH doesn’t work)

If you can access the Command line should look like this:

ICX7150-C12 Router> OR

ICX7150-C12 Switch>

Please enter the below commands once you log in to CLI and share the output.

Note: Hit Enter to accept each command 


show version

show flash

show inline power 
show interface brief

Please share the output of the above commands or share the screenshots if stuck at any step or error (if any) and let me know if you have any queries in this regard.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding.


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

Here are the outputs:





New Contributor

After hard reset 


