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Access Point Keeps droping

New Contributor


Over the last couple of days we have had issues with our access point.  They have been going off line. No power. Initially after I restarted the system(turned power off by unplugging) they would restart and stay on for a period of time. Yesterday after restarting the system the power came back to then go off again after about 10 minutes. This happened multiple times so I followed instructions from previous posts to “reset” the system using the pin hole.  This worked and they AP stayed on until this afternoon. 

Rebooted on 5/7 at 3:30. Worked fine until went off line again on 5/8 at 4:30.  Main ports showing lights, ports for ethernet to AP blank- no lights, PWR and SYS light show green.  Reset at 4:30, went back off again at 4:49.

Reset at 4:57 and power returned briefly to the AP, but never fully loaded system to allow for internet access. 

When working the face of the unit shows PWR and SYS green, the lights on port 1 and 2(AP ports) as green and all other ports as orange.  When the AP goes out port 1 and 2 are not showing any lights. 


Hi @Aly 


Thank you for the response and the information you shared.

As I see from the output you shared, your RUCKUS ICX-7150-C12P Switch is on an older 08061a version and requires an upgrade. 
Before we assist you with the Switch upgrade, could you please let me know if you are using the Windows laptop to access CLI?

Please confirm.

Thank you again for your patience.


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

Hello Imran, 

Yes I am.  Could the outdated version be what is causing the AP to lose power? 


Hi @Aly 

Thank you for your response.

We have identified that the older non-UFI version on your RUCKUS ICX-7150-C12P Switch is causing the switch ports to become disabled resulting in not transmitting power through ports. To mitigate this issue, we will need to upgrade the Switch.

Before we assist with the upgrade, as requested in my previous communication, could you please confirm whether you are using a Windows laptop to access CLI?

Thank you once again.


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community

Yes, I am using a windows laptop. 

Hi @Aly 

Thank you for the response and the information.

Please refer to the below RUCKUS Lennar Knowledge base self-help article for the upgrade process that helps you to upgrade the Switch to the recommended 08095g version.

As you can access the CLI, we suggest you upgrade the Switch using 2nd option from the guide.


PLEASE NOTE: The upgrade path for you would be: 08.0.61a>>08.0.80f>>08.0.95g. Just upgrade your Switch to the 08.0.80f version manually using CLI and IGNORE upgrading to 08.0.95g since we have an upgrade tool released recently that will automatically upgrade the Switch to the 08.0.95g version when the Switch is on 08.0.80f version. Simply you need to enter IP Address, Username and password of the Switch in the software.

Refer to the below link to download the Upgrade software for Windows:

Refer to the below link to download the Upgrade software user manual:

Upgrade Tool User Guide for Lennar SmartHome users:

Please let me know if you need any help during the process.

Thank you again for your patience.


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.