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Access Point Keeps droping

New Contributor


Over the last couple of days we have had issues with our access point.  They have been going off line. No power. Initially after I restarted the system(turned power off by unplugging) they would restart and stay on for a period of time. Yesterday after restarting the system the power came back to then go off again after about 10 minutes. This happened multiple times so I followed instructions from previous posts to “reset” the system using the pin hole.  This worked and they AP stayed on until this afternoon. 

Rebooted on 5/7 at 3:30. Worked fine until went off line again on 5/8 at 4:30.  Main ports showing lights, ports for ethernet to AP blank- no lights, PWR and SYS light show green.  Reset at 4:30, went back off again at 4:49.

Reset at 4:57 and power returned briefly to the AP, but never fully loaded system to allow for internet access. 

When working the face of the unit shows PWR and SYS green, the lights on port 1 and 2(AP ports) as green and all other ports as orange.  When the AP goes out port 1 and 2 are not showing any lights. 


New Contributor


Here is the rest of the flow from putty POE Fatal.PNG

New Contributor

Hi @ Irman, 

I reset the switch to factory setting to get the POE fatal error to allow me to re access the the switch.  I uploaded the 08095gufi.bin file in putty, even though your last post said it was not needed.  Once I performed the upgrade with the 95g, the APs came back online and now everything seems to be working again.  I am really hopeful they stay online. While these forums are helpful, for those of us with limited network experience and zero knowledge about how this works, this was a very cumbersome task.  It required a lot of look ups from other posts just to figure out how to stop the command from the PoE fatal error, which you did not tell me how to do.  When I look at my setting, I have viewed 174 pages of messages read,and 833 minutes used.  Those are not the minutes used on a non logged in device.  If it weren't for my ability to try and problem solve this issue outside of this support, I don't think I would be where I am now.  I have limited understanding of the systems that are being recommended to use to perform the actions recommended by this support team; if I were someone that had zero knowledge of what they were getting into, I would completely be lost.  I can not fathom the number of #Lennar homeowners that have no idea of what they are dealing with and the only tech support they have is though this #community, if they find it.  My issue could have been resolved in 2 hrs, vs  5 days if I could have gotten someone on the phone.  While @Imran was very responsive, he/she does not have the capability to respond in real time that a phone call does. I commend @ Irman for their response time and dedication to my case and by no means is this a reflection of their actions, they were able to assist based on the communication they had.  The platform for problem solving, however, is antiquated and time consuming. 

Hi @Aly 


Thank you for the response and the detailed information you shared.

We suggested you upgrade to 08080f using CLI and then use the upgrade software to upgrade to the 08095g version to avoid that error. However, you can upgrade using CLI, the same as you did for 08080f. The upgrade tool will help to upgrade to 08095g without using any other tools. (For now, this tool is only work for the Switches that are on 08080f)
We are working internally on the upgrade software to make it work directly from any versions.

We appreciate your time and patience on this case. Please observe the connectivity for some days and let me know if there are any issues.

Thank you again for contacting RUCKUS Lennar Home Community and feel free to contact us for future queries.

Have a great day ahead!!!


Best regards,

Imran Sanadi

RUCKUS Lennar Home Community.

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