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Adding Wi-Fi controllers with smart redundancy setting to RDD

New Contributor II
If I have 2 controllers setting with smart redundancy and management IP set. How do I add the two controllers in RDD?

Adding two individual controllers? or only add the management IP?

If adding two individual controllers, it seems that RDD can only login to any one of the controllers.

If adding the management IP only, I can only see 1 controller in RDD.



RUCKUS Team Member
Hi Kenneth,

If you have Smart Redundancy with Management IP, then you can access the controllers with individual IP assigned to them or through the management IP.

However, if you are trying to access the Management IP, then whichever the ZD acting as "Active" will respond to it.

So, if you want to access only the Active ZD, then add the only management IP, if want to access both Active and standby in some cases, then add Management IP and individual IPs.

New Contributor II
Hi Sanjay,

Actually, my problem is about adding Wi-Fi controller cluster to Ruckus Diagnostic Dashboard (RDD).



New Contributor II
Hi Kenneth,

Just to confirm, your controllers are ZD and not SZ or vSZ correct?  If the controllers are Zone Directors, you will have to first create the Wireless Cluster in RDD.  For the "System ID", you can pick any meaningful name (e.g. ZD-MQTT).

Once the Wireless Cluster is added, go ahead and create a Wireless Controller in RDD for each Controller you have.  Make sure to set the Cluster for the Controller to the Wireless Cluster you created above.  For the IP, use the IP for each Controller that you can SSH into as RDD will need to be able to SSH into the ZD controller to be able to pull the data/stats it needs.


Community Admin
Community Admin
Hi Kenneth,

Add-on to what Xang suggested, please note below points related to ZD running in smart redundancy.
  1. You can add ZD cluster (two ZDs in smart redundancy mode) using single management IP address (For this you have to make sure management interface is enabled on ZD and configured with an IP address).
  2. If you add both the ZDs to RDD, then RDD will see them as two different devices, means comparing data for both may not be the same because only one of the ZDs will be active at a time for AP operations and management.
As a best practice, its better to use management IP or If you want the monitoring of both the devices, then add both ZDs.

Syamantak Omer

Syamantak Omer
RUCKUS Networks, CommScope!
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