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Forum Posts

mutiple vlan with differnt dhcp pool

I'm testing it, but if I put the configuration as below, there's no response. Is there anything wrong with the setting?  vlan 10 by portuntagged ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/4router-interface ve 10!ip dhcp-client disableip dhcp-server enableip dhcp-server pool ...

Response on behalf of another device IP connection

hiI've seen strange behavior on our customer's switchThe IP address of our customer's A site gateway switch is X.X.190.1, and the IP address is Y.Y.180.1 of the remote site B gateway   | PC |------  | A  Site X.X.190.1 | -------| A Site VPN | -------...

2021년 마지막 12월의 RTF에 초대합니다.

안녕하세요 ,이제 곧 RUCKUS Technical Family webinar가 시작됩니다! 예약하시려면 지금 등록하세요.등록하기RUCKUS 기술 제품군에 대한 12월 웨비나에 참여하십시오! 날짜: 2021년 12월 15일 15:00 PM이 세션에서는 RUCKUS Unleashed를 사용하여 Wi-Fi 구축을 보다 안전하고 간단하며 안정적으로 만드는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 또한 최신 Wi-Fi 6 AP 범위를 지원하는RUCKUS Unleash...

Image_ images_messages_61b0506dd8944f34de670894_575af30acd4cd85f74d23c8373803fa3_202112083.24.14-d4547d36-5136-429f-8546-8795fccf2e32-574924521.png
taijin_yeo by New Contributor II
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