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load balancing mode of a LAG

New Contributor II
I need to check the load balancing mode of the lags on the physical switches (ICX6610, 08.0.30t) facing our esxi cluster. On the cluster side, at the virtual switches, the balancing mode is currently "Source and destination IP address". The manual is a bit vague of the modes and I can't seem to find a command to modify the mode in the physical switch.

The manual says (a snippet...):

Layer 2 Bridged TCP/UDP: Source and destination MAC addresses, source and destination IP addresses, and source and destination TCP/UDP ports.
Layer 2 Bridged IPv4 TCP/UDP  Source and destination IP addresses, and source and destination TCP/UDP ports.

So what is the difference here with "bridged tcp/udp" and "bridged ipv4 tcp/udp"? And are those different, selectable modes?

Eg "src & dst ip address and tcp/udp port" is one of the possible selections on the cluster side. Would that be a better combination for icx?


Contributor II

LAG load balancing is fixed and cannot be changed, the method used depends on the traffic type (this is described in the L2 config guide). Symmetric load balancing can be enabled if required (some firewalls need this) but it does not alter the traffic distribution across the links.

Simon, thanks for your prompt response.

What you would see what is the correct or most proper setting then on the cluster side?

And would you please open the difference btw "bridged tcp/udp" and "bridged ipv4 tcp/udp"?

Hi, I think this could be a documentation error, I will need to check and will get back to you ASAP.

I can confirm that this is an error in the documentation and the entry for "Layer 2 Bridged TCP/UDP" will be removed from the next version of the L2 config guide.

The entries for "bridged ipv4 tcp/udp" and "bridged ipvd tcp/udp" describe the hashing for TCP/UDP traffic.