08-02-2023 07:12 AM
I am using a ICX7550 that i have updated to the lastest FastIron 10.0.10a.
from reading i understand that the ip adress is handeled differently in 10.x versions, and i cant quite figure it out.
I want to add an ip address to one interface that is NOT an management interface. that i want to be able to access the system network and tftp to the switch on the same interface. I believe you call it an inband port? I want to be able to access both my network and the switch from the same port.
The manual suggest to look in the Hardware installation guide. but that guide instructs to enter configuration mode for the interface and write "ip adress x.x.x.x/24" which to my understanding only works for 9.0.x and not for version 10.
so how do i achieve this setting of IP on the new firmware (10.0.10a)?
08-03-2023 04:32 AM
Hi LudvigB
Thank you for reaching up. I suppose you are trying to configure ip address on the interface. Please refer few links mentioned below they will help you with more details on configuration on 10.0.10 version code.
Link to routing configuration Guide: Refer "IP addressing" chapter from Pg 41
Other Guides for reference:
I hope this helps.
08-04-2023 12:18 AM
thanks for the reading recommendations!
I managed to achieve the fuctionality desired by configuring a virtual interface on vlan1.
But if you don't mind, can you help me understand.
I try and follow the instructions in chapter "Assigning an IPv4 Address to an Ethernet Port" on page 49. And I am not able get the command "ip address" when configuring a physical ethernet port. the only command i can write following "ip" are: access-group, arp-age, bootp-gateway, dhcp-client, dhcp-server, directed-broadcast, dscp-remark, encapsulation, forward-protocol, helper-address, icmp, pcp-remark, sg-access-group, tcp, use-acl-on-arp.
"address" is not an option. is this perhaps because i need to do some global setting perhaps related to dhcp, or do you have any other suggestion?
08-06-2023 08:43 AM
Hi LudvigB
Ack and Noted. Thanks for reverting.
Could you please share output of "Show version" from the switch ?
08-07-2023 01:10 AM - edited 08-21-2023 12:09 AM
here are screenshots of when i write IP and then tab for options. and slow show version as you request. Thanks for looking into the issue.
Edit: remved pictures