Hi Guys,
I am planning to deploy a Ruckus Wireless solutions on user premises however I am having a few questions that has been going around in my mind.
Below image will be the simple diagram for this deployment. The idea is basically to have a multiple VLANs for the WLANs (staff, contractor and guest).

So in the switch my configurations will look like this :
vlan 999 name management by port
untagged ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/2 ethe 1/1/48
vlan 20 name staff by port
tagged ethe 1/1/48
vlan 30 name contractor by port
tagged ethe 1/1/48
vlan 40 name guest by port
tagged ethe 1/1/48
interface ethernet 1/1/1
inline power
interface ethernet 1/1/2
inline power
interface ethernet 1/1/48
dual-mode 999
So my questions is :
1- Will this configurations work as it is? (given that the configurations of the WLAN access VLAN is set correctly to each VLAN ID)
2- Given that the switch is in L3 mode, do I not need to configure the AP switchport as trunk?
Thank you.