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Network Configuration Tools

New Contributor

I'm interested in finding a tool to convert a backed-up switch configuration into a list of commands that will recreate the configuration when run in order.  So far I think NTCfgCompare might be an option.  The idea is that it will help me better understand the network I've recently been hired to manage.  Anyone have any other recommendations?


RUCKUS Team Member

Hi Ericbord

Thank you for reaching us.

  • Could you help me with more details about the tool you mentioned NTCfgCompare ? To understand the requirement better. 
  • Could you please let me know if you are looking forward to note about the running configuration on the switch where you can view the setup configuration ?
  • Are you managing switch using GUI ? 



Hi Ericbord, 

Adding to the above, if the backed-up config statements for the switches are being used as a template, once the template like structure is formed, you could use an python scritp made using Netmiko Library, for a sequential execution of the statements, 

However when forming the template as such : you would need to make sure of few things such as port numbers, ip addresses etc, and settings such as the passwords that are a part of the config but which are encrypted : you would need to specify this as a plaintext statement in-order for the same to be applied. 

This would be an Easier way : as you can have the script designed either in VS code or Anaconda IDE. 


Do let us know your thoughts ! 


Thanks !