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Need help of ICX7150/24 switches

New Contributor

I got 2 of the ICX7150/24 switches, second hand from the US.

Works but I cannot stack (so I can only use 1), also firmware old
(checked with CLI, but no idea how to upgrade)

Can I get your service to:

1. update firmware to latest
2. make they stackable
3. make sure SFP port is 10G

Please advice if you can help



Hi @Eric 

Hope you are doing well 

Please refer to the base version if you want to upgrade your units 

save image.PNG

To go to the latest version or the version recommended by the support site we have to first go to the 8080f version as intermediate

1-You can use a TFTP server

copy tftp flash <ip address of TFTP server> <boot-code-image> boot
copy tftp flash <ip address of TFTP server> <OS-code-image> <primary/secondary>

Example for 8030 > 8080f

copy tftp flash spz10114.bin boot
copy tftp flash SPR08080f.bin primary
write memory
Boot system flash primary yes ( In order to boot up the unit into 8080f )

Once booted to 8080f:

*wait for POE firmware upgrade if applicable - happens automatically and can be seen on console or 'show log'*

write memory (this is necessary to ensure your configuration is upgraded as syntax can change)

copy tftp flash <ip address of TFTP server> <UFI-code-image> <primary/secondary>

Example for 8080f > 8095g

copy tftp flash SPR08095gufi.bin primary
wr mem
*Boot system flash primary yes (too boot up into 80995gufi)
wr mem

Also there are other methods to upgrade the units:

2-Made sure 'Stack enable' is enabled

or you can use stack secure-setup ( interactive setup in later releases )



At the initial of the show running config command will let you know which ports are participating in stacking

ICX7150-C12 Switch#show running-config
Current configuration:
ver 08.0.80fT211
stack unit 1
module 1 icx7150-c12-poe-port-management-module
module 2 icx7150-2-copper-port-2g-module
module 3 icx7150-2-sfp-plus-port-20g-module
stack-port 1/3/2

Or you can use 'show stack' or show stack connections and if stack is enable 

ICX7150-C12 Switch#show stack

Stacking topology :

Stacking overview :

-The 'show media Ethernet x/x/x' will let you know the part number of the SFP

st1#show media ethernet 3/3/1
Port 3/3/1: Type : 10GE SR 300m (SFP+)
Vendor: RUCKUS Version: A
Part# : 57-0000075-01 Serial#: AAF21104000073E

-The 'Show media validation Ethernet x/x/x ' will let know you if this is supported or not

st1#show media validation ethernet 3/3/1

Port Supported Vendor Type
3/3/1 Yes RUCKUS Type : 10GE SR 300m (SFP+)

Best Regards 

Fernando Vasquez 

New Contributor

Followed all steps. Thank you.

Now I am having the latest firmware but cannot setup IP anymore, so I cannot get Web Interface to work. Please advice. Thanks

Hello @Eric 

If you are running SPS you can assigned an IP globally

If you are running SPR you need to create a virtual interface

Make sure you have configured : 


device(config)# aaa authentication login default local
device(config)# aaa authentication web-server default local

Best Regards 

Fernando Vasquez

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