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ICX 8200 port-profile questions

New Contributor

Hello. Is there a way to exclude ports from being assigned LLDP or OUI dynamic port profiles? Our issue is that we have some OUI-based dynamic port profiles that are getting assigned to ports that actually have other switches attached. I assume it is because it sees the MACs of the devices attached to that remote switch and they match the OUI so it assigns the profile to that port.

Also, when specifying a dynamic port profile based on LLDP, is it possible to use a wildcard or partial match in the system-name and system-desc fields? I think this was the case in the 10010a firmware- it seemed I could use just the first few characters of each and it would match, but in the 10010c_cd3 version is seems to require an exact match in both for a device to match.



RUCKUS Team Member

Hi KabalVT

Thank you for reaching us. 

Could you let us know if you are using dynamic port-profile for AP devices ?

Below are few links that will help you setup dynamic port-profile for ICX switches.

Please run though them and let us know if any concerns.



Yes, I am using dynamic port-profile, for APs and other devices. I am trying to use lldp-device for this. It seems in the 10010c_cd3 firmware, an exact match of the system-name and system-desc fields are both required, or it won't apply. Previously it seemed to be OK with a partial match. For example:

lldp-device system-name "RuckusAP" system-desc "Ruckus T310D Multimedia Hotzone Wireless AP/SW Version:"

 is now required, where before

lldp-device system-name "Ruck" system-desc "Ruckus T3"

 would have worked, because Ruck matched the first part of the lldp system name and Ruckus T3 matched the first part of the system description.

RUCKUS Team Member

Hi KabalVT

Ack and noted. I did take a look into 10.0.10c_cd3 release notes to check if any enhancement on the port-profile feature. I noticed that port profile feature was introduced in 10.0.10 version and one issue which is related to port profile was fixed in 10.0.10b. 

Below is the link you can refer:

I suppose this could be the reason you are seeing a difference in 10.0.10a and 10.0.10c_cd3 for port profile setup. 
