Hi, Seems I have found a bug in 8.0.7d where if I use an extended acl with a fully qualified domain name the switch will reboot. I looked at the command reference for this version and it does not say whether or not you can, but when I look at the same doc for 8.0.92 they give an example for a standard ACL, i.e., "IPHost1" as shown below.
device# configure terminal
device(config)# ip access-list standard 1
device(config-std-nacl)# deny host log
device(config-std-nacl)# deny log
device(config-std-nacl)# deny host IPHost1 log
As the device is in production I'm wondering if it is safe to use a standard ACL on 8.0.7d or do I need to upgrade, and if so, what is the next version which support ip access-list with FQDN.