Good Day:
Your command on that platform is:
copy tftp system-manifest FI08080e_Manifest.txt primary switch-image
Download and extract 08080e, but do not worry about all the different platforms it supports... You want all 664 MB of it in a folder. In my case it is c:\TFTP-Root\08080e
Under there are folders like c:\TFTP-Root\08080e\ICX7150, ICX7250, ICX7450, etc.
I personally use Tftpd64 by Ph. Jounin, but there are many great TFTP programs available such as the one from Solar Winds. In my case, I point the "Current Directory" to c:\TFTP-Root\08080e\ in my TFTP program.
On the switch, set an IP on an interface or VE on the same subnet you are on. If you do it correctly, you should be able to ping your computer "ping" for example.
This command below assumes your computer is
Send the Switching "SPS" Firmware:
copy tftp system-manifest FI08080e_Manifest.txt primary switch-imageBy historical convention, we send the switching firmware to the primary and routing firmware to the secondary on all Fast-Iron type devices. Before upgrading one switching firmware version to another, I would backup "copy" the primary => secondary.
Likewise, if I were running routing firmware, I would boot the secondary. If I were going to upgrade, I would backup secondary => primary
Here is the command to upgrade the Routing firmware (for reference):
copy tftp system-manifest FI08080e_Manifest.txt secondary router-image
When done the "show flash" will show:Stack unit 1:
NAND Type: Micron NAND 2GiB (x 1)
Compressed Pri Code size = 25973456, Version:08.0.80eT211 (SPS08080e.bin)
Compressed Sec Code size = 29451996, Version:08.0.70dT213 (SPR08070d.bin)
Compressed Boot-Monitor Image size = 786944, Version:10.1.14T225
Code Flash Free Space = 1319104512
You probably want to verify the checksum:Switch#verif md5 pri.......................................................Done
Size = 25973456, MD5 03420970e5d4bb0cd48f5bc6485541a8
Also the boot preference:Switch#sh boot-pr
Boot system preference(Configured):
Use Default
Boot system preference(Default):
Boot system flash primary
Boot system flash secondary