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Announcement: MegaMind ICX-7850 and FastIron 08.0.90 (GA) are now Available on Support

Esteemed Contributor II


   Much design planning and development have gone in, and now we have it all together.

MegaMind ICX-7850 is a new product on Support, the latest in Ruckus ICX Campus Switch

Product family!


Ruckus ICX 7850 Campus Switch


   With FastIron 08.0.90 (GA) firmware and these related GA documents, you may now

share with Partners and others, we have a highly stackable switching solution. See the

Ruckus ICX 7850 Switch Technical Specifications document, describing the number of

10 GbE SFP+, 25 Gbe SFP28 and 100 GbE QSFP28 ports available.


Ruckus ICX FastIron 08.0.90 (GA) Software Release (.zip):


Ruckus ICX FastIron 08.0.90 (GA) Release Notes:


Ruckus ICX 7850 Product Guides:

Ruckus ICX 7850 Switch Hardware Installation Guide

Ruckus ICX 7850 Switch Technical Specification


Ruckus FastIron 08.0.90 Product Guides: (Applies toRuckus ICX 7150, 7250, 7450, 7650, 7760, and 7850)

Ruckus FastIron Campus Fabric Configuration Guide, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron Command Reference Guide, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron Debug Command Reference, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron DHCP Configuration Guide, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron Features and Standards Support Matrix, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron IP Multicast Configuration Guide, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron Layer 2 Switching Configuration Guide, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron Management Configuration Guide, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron MIB Reference, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron Monitoring Configuration Guide, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron QoS and Traffic Management ConfigurationGuide, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron SDN Configuration Guide, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron Security Configuration Guide, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron Software Licensing Guide, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron Software Upgrade Guide, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron Stacking Configuration Guide, 08.0.90

Ruckus FastIron Web Management Interface User Guide, 08.0.90


    This is a significant new ICX Switch product, and FastIron firmware release
to meet the highest design capabilities!