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can not connect ICX 7250-24 with Opendaylight oxygen controller

New Contributor II
Hello Everyone,
I have ICX 7250-24 switch and ODL oxygen version. I have connected the ethernet interface 1/1/1 to the  ODL controller. the controlling is running on ip address port 8181. I have enabled the openflow ofv130 and have connected with controller using no ssl in Config mod. Then I enabled openflow layer23 on ethernet interface 1/1/1 with VLAN1  However, the switch is not getting connected with the controller. When I disabled openflow and assigned ip address to 1/1/1 ethernet interface, then the controller is pinged. However, it is necessary that the ip address should not be assigned to ethernet interface 1/1/1 if we want to enable the openflow. When the ip address is not assigned to the ethernet interface 1/1/1, then the switch cannot ping the controller. Can you help me in this regard?


New Contributor II
Hello Vu,
thanks for the reply, the pinging is done following the layer3 commands. However, when I connect to ODL controller using "openflow controller ip-address no-ssl port 8181" it gives me error like "ERROR: Ctrl-1 in ver 1 sends pkt with hdr: ver 72 type 84 len 21584 xid 791752241

Can you help me that what is wrong? I have enabled send-to-controller default-behavior 

Looking forward for your guidance.

i had the following commands
1. CS7250(config)#openflow enable ofv130
2. CS7250(config-if-e1000-1/1/1)#openflow enable layer23 hybrid-mode
3.CS7250(config)#openflow hello-reply disable
4. CS7250(config)#openflow controller ip-address no-ssl port 8181
ERROR: Ctrl-1 in ver 4 sends pkt with hdr: ver 72 type 84 len 21584 xid 791752241
Bad Controller - teardown all connections!

why is this error?
+++++++++++++++++++++++show run starts+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
CS7250(config)#show running-config
Current configuration:
ver 08.0.80dT213
stack unit 1
  module 1 icx7250-24-port-management-module
  module 2 icx7250-sfp-plus-8port-80g-module
vlan 1 name DEFAULT-VLAN by port
vlan 10 by port
 untagged ethe 1/1/1
 router-interface ve 10
vlan 250 by port
 tagged ethe 1/1/2
openflow enable ofv130
openflow hello-reply disable
openflow controller ip-address no-ssl port 8181
aaa authentication web-server default local
aaa authentication login default local
boot sys tf spz10111.bin
hostname CS7250
username admin password .....
interface management 1
 ip address
interface ethernet 1/1/1
 openflow enable layer23 hybrid-mode
interface ethernet 1/2/1
 speed-duplex 1000-full
interface ethernet 1/2/2
 speed-duplex 1000-full
interface ethernet 1/2/3
 speed-duplex 1000-full
interface ethernet 1/2/4
 speed-duplex 1000-full
interface ethernet 1/2/5
 speed-duplex 1000-full
interface ethernet 1/2/6
 speed-duplex 1000-full
interface ethernet 1/2/7
 speed-duplex 1000-full
interface ethernet 1/2/8
 speed-duplex 1000-full
interface ve 10
 ip address

+++++++++++++++++++++++show run ends++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

show open flow is follow
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ show openflow starts$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

CS7250#show openflow
Administrative Status:       Enabled
SSL Status:                  Enabled
Controller Type:             ofv130
HELLO Reply:                 disabled
Number of Controllers:       1
Controller 1:
Connection Mode:       active, TCP
Controller Address:
Connection Port:       8181
Connection Status:      CLOSED
Role:                   EQUAL
Packet-in config:       no-match, action
Port-status config:     add, delete, modify
Flow-removed config:    delete, group-delete

Match Capability:
L2 : Port, SMAC, DMAC, Ether type, Vlan, Vlan PCP
L3 : Port, Vlan, Vlan PCP, Ethertype(IP,IPv6,ARP,LLDP), Source (IP/IPv6), Destination (IP/IPv6), IP Protocol, IP DSCP,
     TCP/UDP/SCTP(Src Port,Dst Port), ICMPv4/ICMPv6(Type,Code)
L23: Port, SMAC, DMAC, Vlan, Vlan PCP, Ethertype (IP,IPv6,ARP,LLDP), Destination (IP/IPv6), IP Protocol, IP DSCP,
     TCP/UDP/SCTP(Src Port,Dst Port), ICMPv4/ICMPv6(Type,Code)
Normal Openflow Enabled Ports:
Openflow Hybrid Interfaces:
Protected VLANs   : None
Unprotected VLANs :    10,

Default action: drop
Maximum number of flows allowed: 3072
Active flow: 0
SLIB Switchover detected: YES
Maximum number of Protected Vlans allowed: 40
Maximum number of Unprotected Vlans allowed: 40
Total number of Protected Vlans: 0
Total number of Unprotected Vlans: 1

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ show openflow ends$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
looking forward for your help

Hi Nadir - please try disable openflow on 1/1/1 if it is connected to the ODL server.

config t
interface ethernet 1/1/1
 no openflow enable layer23 hybrid-mode

write mem

Let me know if it made any diff.



it does not work
and the error is
CS7250(config)#openflow controller ip-address no-ssl port 8181

CS7250(config)#ERROR: Ctrl-1 in ver 4 sends pkt with hdr: ver 72 type 84 len 21584 xid 791752241
Bad Controller - teardown all connections!
on the server it is 
$sudo netstat -an | grep 8181

tcp6   0   0  :::8181     :::*   LISTEN

tcp6   0   0   TIME_WAIT


Please what is wrong?

HI Nadir - It seems like ICX is rejecting the ODL controller because it received an Openflow message with header version other than '100' or '130'. I would recommend open a support case so someone can help troubleshooting the issue further. It would help to have a wireshark capture the communication between ICX and ODL controller to verify.



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