Hi Kevin - We did some tests in the lab and found a workaround for this issue. It seems like a bug in this area, and we need to investigate further. For sequence 10, please use /24 instead of /16. Keep sequence 70/80 with /16 for now.
Also, we need...
If you have these two statements in the config, then we should be able to login the enable mode with a radius account:
SSH@ICX7150-C12-SW1(config)#show run | inc aaaaaa authentication enable default radius localaaa authentication login default radiu...
Is the AP (connected to 1/1/6) also connected to a DC power supply? If so please disconnect it from the outlet.
What if you try on port 1/1/9 to 1/1/12? Do you see the same issue when connected to port 1/1/5-1/1/8?