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AP500 client isolation whitelist

New Contributor II
We've got AP500 acces points. And we've enabled client isolation based on this tutorial.
(since we couldn't find it in the web interface)

However we'd like to connect a chromecast that should not be isolated.
And i can't seem to find anything in the web interface about client isolation. Nor in the SSH terminal.

Does anyone know how we can make a chromecast work eventough client isolation is enabled?

New Contributor III
It doesn't look like you have a controller. From CLI, you can issue a couple of commands to make sure:

get director
 - will tell you if you have a ZoneDirector controller

get scg
 - same for SmartZone

Neither seem likely here

You can also issue
fw show all
which will tell us the code on the access point

Try these and post back so we can be sure

New Contributor II
rkscli: get director
------ ZoneDirector Info ------
Primary Controller   : n/a
Secondary Controller : n/a
DHCP Opt43 Code      : 3
  AP is in Stand-alone mode.
rkscli: get scg
------ SCG Information ------
SCG Service is enabled.
AP is not managed by SCG.
AP is not registered in SCG.
SCI is disabled.
Server List:
No SSH tunnel exists
Failover List: Not found
Failover Max Retry: 2
DHCP Opt43 Code: 6
Server List from DHCP (Opt43/Opt52): Not found
SCG default URL: RuckusController
SCG config|heartbeat|mesh status|status intervals: 300|30|300|900
SCG gwloss|serverloss timeouts: 1800|7200

rkscli: fw show all

control file /writable/fw/main.cntl not in flash
current primary boot image is Image1
Magic:        RCKS
next_image:   0x130000
invalid:      0
hdr_len:      160
compression:  l7
load_address: 0x80080000
entry_point:  0x802FF060
timestamp:    Fri Aug 19 08:57:32 2016
binl7_len:    9975644
hdr_version:  4
hdr_cksum:    0x0105
version:    ( )
MD5:          81E160C70589AA24D7A5BC85A27A10C5
product:      zf7752    (0)
architecture: 1
chipset:      3
board_type:   0
board_class:  3
Image Sign Type: Intermediate Signed Image(ISI).
Tail start:   0x982f60
Magic:        RCKS
next_image:   0x130000
invalid:      0
hdr_len:      160
compression:  l7
load_address: 0x80080000
entry_point:  0x802FF060
timestamp:    Fri Aug 19 08:57:32 2016
binl7_len:    9975644
hdr_version:  4
hdr_cksum:    0x0105
version:    ( )
MD5:          81E160C70589AA24D7A5BC85A27A10C5
product:      zf7752    (0)
architecture: 1
chipset:      3
board_type:   0
board_class:  3
Image Sign Type: Intermediate Signed Image(ISI).
Tail start:   0x982f60

New Contributor III
OK, that confirms it.

When you enable client isolation, you prevent clients connected to the same access point from being able to see each other. The technote you refer to either enables or disables this, on a global setting - ie for all or for none.

Can you explain what you're hoping to do with the chromebook?

New Contributor II
What we're hoping to achieve is having client isolation enabled for all clients.

But that all clients CAN see the ChromeCast that's connected to the television.

New Contributor III
Let's see if I understand this:

1) You configure the Chromecast to connect to the WLAN that currently has Client Isolation enabled
2) You want devices on the same WLAN to be able to connect to the Chromecast
3) You need a whitelist entry for the Chromecast in order to make it visible

I'm afraid I don't know if that's possible for stand-alone access points from the CLI.

There are a couple of ways forward from here - 

1) Hopefully someone else may able to advise as to whether it's possible or not from the current set up - at least the answers you have given so far should help them to understand the problem.

2) If you have controller based AP's then it's clearly possible. Ruckus unleashed code is designed for small networks, and the Access Points themselves act in the role of the controller - you configure only one access point and the rest copy the config. What you're trying to achieve is possible with unleashed code:

I'm sorry I can't help further at this point - there are some excellent staff members, Ruckus partners and Ruckus customers who contribute to the forums, so I'm sure it won't be long before we have a definitive answer for you.
