No image will go in!!!!!!
After spending 8 hours up and down ladders 20 ft in the air at 40degC
, my mood is fairly combattive.
This "update" system has possibly got to be the dumbest system on the planet, for location of reset hole, device fixing & software update.
when i do a 30-30-30 or any other cli factory reset, the wifi point comes up in stand alone mode. (factory mode)
i can log into the front-end web gui
super/ sp-admin.... which is REAL flaky, sometimes it works most times not...
but i can CLI reliably every time using the same login.
This was a failed zd1200, that required some wifi points whilst being serviced.. hence the unleashed
when restoreing the unleashed, the firmware was flashed to all devices via the unleashed FW update.
I strongly suspect this was the old "master"
I can navigate via various menus.. but NOTHING shows a way to re-flash an image..... other wise i would have done it already......
Compared to another R500 with the same firmware, there seems LESS menus.
there are no network connection issues, & whilst working on this device it is 1:1 to my compuer.
so... i'm looking at this.
control file /writable/fw/main.cntl not in flash
current primary boot image is Image2
Magic: RCKS
next_image: 0x130000
invalid: 0
hdr_len: 160
compression: l7
load_address: 0x80080000
entry_point: 0x80301AC0
timestamp: Thu Sep 8 11:39:07 2016
binl7_len: 20703068
hdr_version: 4
hdr_cksum: 0x9D80
version: ( )
MD5: D4C55A3AD0A97D1E1B872F2A297428B3
product: zf7752 (0)
architecture: 1
chipset: 3
board_type: 0
board_class: 3
Magic: RCKS
next_image: 0x130000
invalid: 0
hdr_len: 160
compression: l7
load_address: 0x80080000
entry_point: 0x802F3A40
timestamp: Sat Feb 28 04:03:38 2015
binl7_len: 9572192
hdr_version: 3
hdr_cksum: 0xEBB2
version: ( )
MD5: 9E19252294792094EA00A213A939E4A2
product: zf7752 (0)
architecture: 1
chipset: 3
board_type: 0
board_class: 3