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Upload/Download (Speedflex) test cause other clients to drop packets

New Contributor II
I have a hotel with mostly r600's and I've been getting reports of dropping connections. In my tests the signal doesn't actually drop, but when one client starts a transfer such as an internet internet speed test or if I do a Speedflex test on the management vlan, I see a very noticeable degradation of another client at least on the same AP. Running a ping just on a client to the firewall inside interface (Different or same vlan), the response times will start climbing and eventually start timing out until the speedflex test finishes on the other client. This is causing all sorts of issues since everyone seems to run a speed test when they have a slowdown and then its downhill from there as every speed test makes it worse until they all give up. Is there anything in particular I should look into to identify what might be causing this? Thanks

New Contributor II
Thanks for all the input and help. I will try some of the changes you've both recommended and try to arrange for a full site survey with spectrum analysis. 
Robert, do you have any tips on how to accomplish a thorough site survey when there is limited access to rooms because of occupancy? 


Contributor III
The only advice o can offer really is what I do in this situation:

Be open and honest with the hotel management, tell them that if they want the issues with the WiFi to get resolved then you require access to as many rooms as possible during your window. Tell them that if you access 40% of rooms then you can only be 40% confident that any changes you reccomend post survey will work.

Ask to be accompanied by a member of hotel staff to allow you access to occupied (as in checked in but out of the room) guests.

Perform as much of the data gathering as possible during the check out/in window and keep in contact with the reception team to get updates on checked out guests.

If you can't access a specific room or rooms try and get the rooms either side so the software can interpellate the signal.

For the sampling of alternate locations, ask the hotel for a block of 6-8 rooms directly above and below each other and a window to do your testing. Mount your AP in the alternate location and walk all rooms to gather as much data about signal propagation as possible. If the hotel as I uniform shape then you can simulate the other areas with software.