The issue is related to WDS ( and Ruckus developed
proprietary 4 MAC address frame format in our early IPtv AP/CPEs, that is supported on all ZD managed APs,
and may or may not work quite the same under SZ controller management.
Not all third party wireless bridge devices are able to get IP addresses to clients behind them, but the answer
may be to disable a feature from the Ruckus side related to DHCP. This is an AP CLI command:
rkscli: set qos directedDHCP disable
ZoneDirector controllers have a CLI command that can communicate with all connected APs, ie:
ruckus(debug)# remote_ap_cli -A "set qos directedDHCP disable"
but a SmartZone controller would need to use a script that sends the command to all APs. Can you SSH to the
AP you're testing your bridge device on, and issue this command to see if it helps your clients behind it to pull IP?
KBA-3332: Ruckus WDS with third party wireless bridge
KBA-1423: Clients behind a Third Party wireless bridge are unable to obtain a DHCP IP address