While this is possible per the Ruckus spec sheet, my personal recommendation is to not rely on this density. I would feel a lot more comfortable if you had two AP's for 230 users, especially when the max internet bandwidth is a healthy 200mbit.
So far, setting up 2.4 and 5GHz with open (no encryption) is an excellent first step. Also, refer to these Ruckus guides:
http://c541678.r78.cf2.rackcdn.com/appnotes/bpg-highdensity.pdfhttp://c541678.r78.cf2.rackcdn.com/appnotes/bpg-high-density-enterprise.pdfNamely, I would recommend setting ofdm-only and likely bss-minrate to a higher value to force everyone to use a higher bitrate. OF course this comes at the cost of coverage range being shrunk, but remember, slow bitrate talkers are using valuable airtime that takes time away from nearby clients capable of talking faster.
I would probably stick with default channel widths (20MHz on 2.4, 40MHz on 5) since you have a single AP and running out of channels is not a concern. This would maximize everyone's bandwidth connected to the AP.