I have a working group of four R710.

But attempts to add new access points to the group are unsuccessful. New devices are updated to the latest firmware version, but are only visible in the section Admin & Service -> Administer -> Upgrade.

I can connect to new AP only via SSH, since via HTTP (S) I only see one page.

After outputting the debug information to the syslog server, I get a recurring group of messages for the new point:
Oct 18 14:46:10 wsgclient[540]:
registration:692 Failed to init socket! ret:125
Oct 18 14:46:10 wsgclient[540]:
communicatorInit:331 Init connection failed, ret:125, connectRetry:1395
Oct 18 14:46:10 wsgclient[540]: cmrInit:141
Call 'crDefSocketInit()' failed, ip: port:443, ret:125/CR initial socket
Oct 18 14:46:10 wsgclient[540]:
crResloveAddrInfo:152 getaddrinfo failed, ret:-2/Name or service not known
I ask the club for help solving this riddle.