Hello there,
hope someone could help me. We serve a large WLAN of a hotel and getting problems with clients when they roam. the problem is so annoying while we are phoning with WiFi Calling and everytime you move in the hotel the Phonecall is cancled. i tested alot already but nothing helped so far:
1. Updated the System to version 5
2. turned 5 Ghz off to see if it just happend when switching between 2,4 GHz and 5 GHz
3. tested BSS min rate
4. removed some channels of that 2.4GHz Radio
5. Turned off and on fast roaming
6. Troubleshoot with internal tool of Ruckus

So as you can see in the screenshot it seems to be problem of the authentication, but we using the standard open authentication and WPA Mixed encrytion.
Here is what we got:
4 Radios on 65 x R310 with 4 VLans
Problem seem to be at all radios