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New to Ruckus - Extending a WiFi Signal to an Outbuilding

New Contributor II
Hello all, I'm not very familiar with Ruckus products. I'm hoping someone can point in the right direction with the products I might need for this...

- Customer already has an established Ruckus wireless network in a small hotel
- They want to extend the guest WiFi network to an outbuilding, a club house, that's about 200 ft away from a roof mounted radio that's transmitting the signal for outdoor clients.
- Currently no WiFi signal inside the club house, but signal outside is good
- My thought was to mount a receiver antenna of some sort on the outside of the clubhouse with Ethernet into the building to a router and switch to power 2 indoor APs.

Would this be doable? What Ruckus products might work for this? Thanks for any help.

That's very helpful. Thank you all. With the ZD, can I set up mesh just on the APs I specify or is it an all or nothing sort of thing? I don't want to mess with the rest of the network for the hotel.

You have to enable globally (i think) but then you can turn off individually on AP config. Also, I believe you can 'fix' the mesh, by this i mean tell AP Y that it has to mesh only to AP X or you can have self healing. 

Hi Slopo, as Robert says; when you enable Mesh on a ZD it is global and cannot be turned off once enabled.  Therefore it's very important you take a configuration backup prior to enabling it.

Again; it is possible to disable it on APs individually to preserve resources, or leave it on for all APs to provide self-healing properties to the network.

When you enable Mesh on a ZoneDirector, all your APs will reboot, so do it during a scheduled maintenance window.
All your current wired APs will remain working as RAPs (Root APs), and the clubhouse AP would join the Rooftop as a MAP (Mesh AP), with a possible indoor AP seen thru it.
Start with your clubhouse AP(s) connected to the wire, until you've set the ZD for Mesh, and they've had a chance to connect over wire to get configured correctly.
After you move them out to the clubhouse, they will look for the Mesh SSID used by the ZD, to join/connect (and link the additional indoor clubhouse AP).