The analysis I meant, was the individual Root AP and Mesh AP's support info files, which should show each other as clients on 5GHz radios.
STA: b8:e8:56:2c:55:10
rx_data_frm 229462 rx_mgt_frm 38 rx_bytes 37430154 rx_dup 9
tx_data_frm 464364 tx_mgmt_frm 40 tx_bytes 535238276
tx_assoc 4 tx_auth 4
good_tx_frms 464404 good_rx_frms 229500 tx_retries 40825
tx_rate 324000 tx_kbps 155352
tx_per 1 ack_rssi 39 rx_rssi 44
For example, this associated client (but could be other AP) has rx_rssi = 44, which is > 25 after you subtract the PER (packet error rate), in this client only 1%.
Examine the same detail on the other side Mesh AP, for the Root AP mac address. The rx_rssi minus PER must be greater than 25 to maintain Mesh connectivity.
Second advice, the messages do indicate DFS recognized radar in use near your APs, and assigning static channels outside of DFS range might be advisable.
Reboot your Root APs a couple times, and make note of which 5GHz channel they choose when they come back up.
Under Configure/Access Points, 'Edit' your Root APs, check Override Group Settings, and manually pick from 149, 153, 157, 161.
After one of your Root APs is statically configured, reboot the other Root AP and make note of its chosen channel. Set it to one different than Root AP#1.