In reply to Brian Bingham:
> Yes but dont you have to have ZoneDirector Controller to use the Flexmaster?
To clarify, no sir, you don't.
Thus, one answer to your question would be FlexMaster (albeit, a $1000 + a VM or server answer, not to mention added time to configure and shoot out a template).
Another, the one that Mr. Redfield mentioned, would be to script it.
I think the latter is better, but requires a programmer/scripter to build a frontend that will scrape the HTML page of each AP, then submit changes. We have done this for the guestpass creation, as in we have a web frontend that connects to several ZD's guestpass page, and "one clicks" a guestpass for Wi-Fi portal password generation. All the enduser have to do is access a single webpage, click two dropdown menus, then submit.