Hi Peter,
AP do not knows if you are in US or overseas, it is more of a configuration thing which controls the use of a country code specific AP with a different country configuration on ZD or other Ruckus controller.
For example, lets assume I have purchased an AP with US product code (Keep in mind that I could have purchased an AP with WW product code as well) and I have a zone director, then below are things things I can or can't.
- If ZD is configured with its country code settings as USA and then I connect my US product code AP with ZD, it will work.
I can't:
- If ZD is configured with country code other than US (lets assume India) and I try connecting my US product code AP, then AP will not work with ZD as AP's country code cannot be changed from US to India (Country code mismatch).
So when you order the APs, it is must to check if you need a country specific AP or AP with WW code.
Use cases:
1- I am based in India and I know I will never move to other country or configure my APs to other country code. In this case I should buy AP with India country code (IN).
2- I am based in US but I may move to Canada or to a different country where I may need to use my Ruckus APs with a controller. In this case I should buy the AP with WW product code.
Syamantak Omer
Syamantak Omer
RUCKUS Networks, CommScope!
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