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Extend Ethernet Reach with 2nd Ethernet port on AP

New Contributor II
Hi All,

I am looking for a way to extend my wireless signal / AP past the 100m limitation of ethernet. I have been denied funding to get another switch to do it the proper way. I recently discovered that I can use the second port of our AP's as a network port. Is it possible to plug an AP into an AP into an AP, etc. to extend that ethernet range and get the AP where I need it? Obviously they would need to be on AC power but besides that are there any problems you see with this solution?

I'm looking to come from the switch to power an AP, then connect that AP via it's ethernet port and then connect one more AP to it's ethernet port.

I hope that makes sense. Let me know if you need me to clarify anything.


Hello you could do that but you need to power again with a PoE injector for example to gain further distance. The fact of the AP's have an PoE out does not means you will extend more than 100 meters, because the AP itself will not produce more power needed to extend . You will have to put an switch again or at least an PoE injector. 

New Contributor II
Understood. I was planning on powering the extended AP's with power supplies. That should be okay right?

Valued Contributor
I think DSE is suggesting that you cannot be sure that the 2nd port on the AP fully conforms to ethernet distance standards. It might be that the maximum distance for the whole chain is 100m not 100m per AP added.

Ruckus kit seems very standards compliant but without a definite yes from tech support (or Michael B who hovers a lot) you cannot be sure without a physical test.

Should be easy to try though on your bench with some long cable runs, have fun.

Also as an observation you might find that using an AP as a switch (in effect) does cause some throttling in a high density (client or data) environment as every packet has to traverse the first AP in the chain to reach 2nd or 3rd.

A lot depends on your environment but as a simple solution I would expect it to work.

Esteemed Contributor II
Hello, yes, you can "daisychain" a second AP off a spare Eth port (depending on model),

that should theoretically be able to extend 100m in length (CAT5e/CAT6).  I have personally

tested PoE out for 277 feet (the max length of a spool of cable from Fry's Electronics) too,

but using a power supply or PoE injector on the extended AP(s) is recommended/preferred.

You ought to be able to daisychain 2 additional APs in this fashion ok.  (assuming <100

clients each, not all Guest Access or HotSpot, etc)