What you want is this:
It's a linux script that will take your commands and enter them onto a zonedirector (or AP's) SSH commandline.
It can also do what your customer is already doing.
(automatically download the zonedirector config)
Download and install the script on a linux box.
It's fairly well documented. (but hasn't been tested much)
Ideally, if you're going to use it to do updates to a zonedirector, it'd be *really* nice to test it on a non-production zonedirector first.
(because if it breaks the zondirector config, you get to keep all the pieces)
Try using it to download a config.
If that works, try updating an innocuous part of your zonedirector config.
doing updates in multiple zondirector config sections could get tedious.
(but it's very possible)
You can enter multiple config commands (inside quotes) on the ruckusconf commandline.
Then you can specify the "--makeinfile" option to create an example "file" of a command list. (so you know how to format things)
running ruckusconf with the "--infile" option reads those commands and automatically enters them into your zonedirector.
(so you don't have to write your own expect program)
Let me know if/what problems you have.