looking for some documents for wlan,zone,ap best practices and recommendationsworking with R510/610 and remote smartzone. just to compare to our configuration.our network is for residential users (Millenials) .
hisetting up a multi-node environment, I wanted to configure node affinity to attach a specific Zone to a node.I've tried to go through the bellow link but this configuration is missing from the controller UI.http://docs.ruckuswireless.com/smartzone/...
dose anyone has an idea why R510/610 will suddenly stop forward broadcasts (arp) via radio. and after restart broadcast forward again.we have SmartZone with several ap (different zones).ap firmware is some sites, we encounter this issu...
hiI've enabled proxy-arp to see if it helps.but while I had the arp issue the target device did answer (ping) to devices ive configure static arp entries.
hi thank you for quick response.is there any later GA firmware that is recommendedand includes this patch?by the way, do you familiar with any google home issues with my current firmware?