I just happened to be looking through these comments and noticed that you were trying to upgrade an Unleashed R500 AP. I run 4 of those here at home, and unless I'm mistaken, the last and latest release of Unleashed designed to run on the R500 AP's ...
I'm just a user of these R500 AP's in my home, but as far as I know, you can set them up as an Unleashed Network OR you can use them as individual Stand Alone Access Points. All that is required is installing the appropriate firmware. The Firmware ...
@bob_brennan_6972913 Looks like Unleashed is in need of updating. (I don't know if that has anything to do with the problem, but it's a good start.) I'm using version with (4)R500 AP's successfully with Google Chrome on several P...
Hi Andrew, I too am using Unleashed with (4) x R500 A/P's, and I just logged into Unleashed Desktop successfully with Google Chrome Version 94.0.4606.81 (Official Build) (64-bit) on a Ubuntu based Linux Lite PC. I have been running Unleashed version...