There are service impacts at the site and we are trying to narrow down the cause, we are not certain this has anything to do with it but buffer limit reached and stuck beacons stood out in the logs.
Clients complain of service degradation, two VPN...
This seems to be the pattern of logs;
kernel: ol_rc_update_handler: WARNING: handler called without transmit attempts
wifi0: 63661671 : stuck beacon (missed 3) scanning 0, syncbeacon 0, sc_beacons 1,sc_isCaldone: 1
12:18:11 ZD-APMgr: IPC_thr...
Any update or findings on this? We are seeing the same in the logs on low density R500/R510 installs. 5-15 clients max.
kern.warn kernel: [84170.765507] Reached buffer limit