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Migrate multiple ZD1100 to vSmartZone hosted at remote location

New Contributor
Looking to migrate multiple locations each with a ZD1100 to one vSmartZone hosted at a remote location.  I find documentation on how to migrate within the same network from controller to controller, but nothing with specifics regarding multiple ZD1100s to a singular vSZ.  System version of the vSZ is ZD1100 system version is build 14.  APs include R300, R500, R700, as well as some ZF7982.  Anyone performed this type of migration?

New Contributor III
Try following steps:-
1. Enable limited ZD discovery and map primary as ZD IP and secondary as vSZ IP.
2. Make sure APs able to reach vSZ.
3. Enable LWAPP to SCG on vSZ.
4. Remove ZD from the network, after few minutes APs should be coming up on vSZ.

Thanks for the posting.  However, I want to test on one AP first as I am not sure the AP will be able to find the remote vSZ.  This is not on same WAN, subnet or physical location.