Hi Bill!
Thanks for the quick reply (and for the tool)
I'm a fairly new Ruckus user so forgive all my questions:
I can't seem to get my stand alone access points (I have both ZD and some stand alone APs) to work with this. They don't seem to have "show conf" so this won't work right? Do you (or does anyone else) happen to know the equivalent command line syntax?
I'm trying this against my zonedirector:
./ruckusconf --enable --command "show conf" --quite --outfile /some/path/on/server/output. MY_ZD_IP_HERE
I must misunderstand how --quiet is supposed to work, when I include it I do not get any relevant data in my output file. If I do not include --quiet, I get the output correctly saved into the outfile, but also on screen. My goal was to be able to cron the script up in order to automatically download/save a copy of the configuration.
Not necessarily a question for Bill but:
The output I see doesn't appear to be restoreable in any way, it's not like my network switches that output a list of commands that I could paste back into a shell session of a replacement device. Am I wrong about this?