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Change Zone Director IP Address

New Contributor
I am trying to move our current Zone Director from one local IP subnet to the server subnet. All of the access points have already joined this ZD. What will happen when I change the name and IP address of the ZD? Will it inform the access points of the change or will they lose their connectivity to the ZD?

Thank you!

New Contributor
I tried to move a ZD and a few APs from one subnet to the next a few weeks ago (before reading this post) and got into so much trouble that it ended up easier to reset the APs and reconfigure them... Can I check that the proper process (for a ZD1200 v9.13+ 3x R500 APs, moving from to, on the same VLAN) is:
1. on the ZD, configure Limited ZD Discovery as above: primary = 192.168.0.{zd} and secondary = 192.168.0.{zd}
2. give it a few minutes for replication
3. change the IP address of the ZD to 192.168.100.{zd}
4. give it a few more minutes for the APs to find the ZD
5. change the IP address of each AP to 192.168.100.{ap1,ap2,ap3}
6. give it a few more minutes for the APs to reconfigure themselves with the new IP's
7. either remove the Limited ZD Discovery setting, or simply have primary = 192.168.100.{zd}

New Contributor II
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