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Change IP of AP's Question

New Contributor III
7731 Outdoor AP's. If i need to change the IP address of the AP's, will it effect the ZoneDirector 1100? Do i need to change the ZoneDirector also? As i will be changing the AP's to a different Subnet.


Valued Contributor
7731 is a bridge that is not controlled by the ZD. If you are talking about outdoor APs then you need to make sure APs and ZD have L3 connectivity. You can change subnets, but different subnets must not be isolated amongst each other.

Please clarify what you have and what you want to do and achieve, so we can assist better.

New Contributor III
Thanks for the reply,

So, i have 1x ZD 1100, and 2x 7731 Outdoors AP's.
I was originally going to buy a 2nd pair of 7731 to double the bandwidth, but l changed my design.

So, the building with the non-bridge AP is being upgraded, as in physically changing the building. So a new network design is needed, and IP addressing will be different. So i will need to change both the AP's IP address, say & (i might be able to go to maybe /29?). The ZD will end up on a different IP, keeping on the original addressing of one building.
Static Routes may be needed on each side, so communication will work between both buildings.

Valued Contributor
Are you 100% sure you have 7731s?

Are you using those to just link buildings together or make a WLAN network?

New Contributor III
The manual says Ruckus Wireless ZoneFlex 7731 802.11n Point to Point wireless bridge. I logged in to make sure the manual matches, and says the same model.

So, yes , i am 100% sure.

It is used on our roof, to join our 2nd building, close by. one on each roof.

Just to link them together.