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R500 WiFi speed (2.4 and 5) seems limited to 100mbps despite FIOS Gigabit

New Contributor II
Have read many posts and am convinced I have some type of configuration issue.  All of my new devices (e.g., iPhone XS, Surface Pro 6) seem to top out at 100/100mbps.  I don't use mesh, have 3 R500s and a ZD 1200 connected to Verizon FIOS Gigabit internet which delivers 800+mbps to my hardwired devices/PCs.  Have setup separate 2.4 and 5 networks and they all seem to max out at 100mbps.  Just seems too coincidental.  It's a private home with no interference.  Thanks

Contributor III
what size channel width are you using at 5GHz?

New Contributor II
Under AP config, channelization/channel is set to Auto.  Is that were channel width is set?  thanks.

Contributor III
Are you absolutely sure that you don't have a 100mbps switch anywhere in the path? Also, are you tunneling the traffic to the ZD or just doing local breakout on the AP?

Contributor III
Yes, this is where it's set but if its auto it will most likely be 80MHz. Ok here's what i would do next (other than ask for the answer to Chris' question):

Download the Ruckus speedflex app from the app store onto your iPad. Then, create an SSID where you have direct access to the IP address of the AP you are connected to. Then run the speedflex app and set the server address to the AP IP address and run the test. This will give you a true test of the Phy speed you are getting and eliminate any other bottlenecks in your network.