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"Building the Unleashed Network. It may take a few minutes."

New Contributor

"Building the Unleashed Network. It may take a few minutes."

I am in a situation where our ZD-1200 died (memory or software corruption)
and I have to get this extended-stay hotel back online ASAP.

We have 50 WAPs at that location.
So I decided to proceed with implementing Unleashed.

Little did I know, the limitation drops to 25 when you have R500 WAPs.

Long story short:
I am over 2 days into this - no sleep.
I got the first Unleashed fully populated with 25 WAPs and back online.

Now, for the life of me - I must have bricked about 6 WAPs trying to get a Master for the second Unleashed group of 25.

I get "Building the Unleashed Network. It may take a few minutes." on the Web GUI.
I get "client_loop: send disconnect: Connection reset" on SSH.

Upon searching the web, I see these two issues are VERY COMMON PROBLEMS.

I just don't see any clear answers to fix this.

Why would Ruckus let this issue be so common?

For now, I am just going to have to install Solo onto the remaining 20 or so WAPs

as families have been waiting days now for internet.



RUCKUS Team Member


There are 2 reasons why the AP will be in the "Building the Unleashed Network. It may take a few minutes" stage.
1. When the AP is trying to find the already available Master, based on that it will be build itself as Master or will connect to available Master and take the configuration.

2. When the AP is unable to reach the gateway IP.

So if the Master AP is available or not, the AP has to operational in about less than 5 minutes.
But if the Gateway IP is not reachable, then the AP will be stuck in that stage.

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