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Traveling between locations without re-signing in to SSID

New Contributor
I have 9 locations and our users travel between them.  I currently have a ZD1100 controlling 19 APs across the 9 locations that are getting rather old.  Users are able to travel to any site without having to sign into each site.  If I setup unleased APs in each location with the same ssid and password, will users be able to go between locations with out signing in to each site?

New Contributor III
Hi Mark,

that is correct, behavior will be the same.


Esteemed Contributor II
Hm, unlike ZoneDirector WLANs in different buildings, where you can roam away from the network and come back on another part of the campus, you have a (default) 30 minute session timeout period to re-associate, or you'd be required to re-authenticate under ZD management too.

Unleashed, which is an autonomous single LAN network, will not know about your previous connections on other Unleashed networks, and I believe you will need to re-authenticate at each (new) site.

New Contributor
We just use a simple SSID and passphrase.  We don't authenticate using AD, no usernames and passwords.  Users are not expecting to continue an existing session, they just want internet access in the office they are currently in.  We're not a campus environment, our offices are 20 miles apart or more.  The ZoneDirector gives me the ability to have 1 SSID and passphrase that works in all offices and I was hoping the Unleashed would do the same. 

New Contributor III
Hi Mark,
I understood you correctly then, you just have an SSID and passphrase. In case of different types of WLANs the behavior won't be the same as ZD as my colleague Michael correctly stated. I should have mentioned that too but I was just sticking to your question.