07-29-2021 10:57 AM
Are you looking to upgrade the base OS from CentOS 6 to 7 or a supported Linux platform? I can't install any packages on the version because I used the ova in the downloaded files section.
07-29-2021 01:31 PM
Hi Chris,
I think this question is added to wrong product category.
Unleashed cannot be deployed on VM, it is hardware based solution (runs on AP).
If your query is regarding vSZ, please provide more information (VM info, version, what vSZ version you are deploying, HW resources) about the query and so that we can help.
07-29-2021 01:36 PM
@syamantak_omer Where can I post the Unleashed Multisite Manager questions then?
07-29-2021 01:53 PM
Hi Chris,
Sorry, I though you are just referring to Ruckus Unleashed.
Ruckus Unleashed and Ruckus UMM (Unleashed Multisite Manager) are two different products.
One is controller solution, other is multi controller management solution.
I have updated the post title for better understanding.
Now if we talk about the original issue you are facing. Please make sure below requirements are matching and also refer the user guide (page #132) which has step by step procedure for installation.
07-29-2021 01:57 PM
@syamantak_omer Correct, I didn't see a product category for that.
I used the OVA that came with the downloads. I understand that it can be used on those platforms, but I'm not someone who is familiar with Linux. Having the .ova file already with 7 makes it super handy so all I have to do is throw it in a VM and let it spin up. My question was, "Are they going to update the .ova file at some point because Cent OS 6 isn't supported anymore" What's the time frame for that because I have a customer that I'm trying to upgrade their hard drive space and I don't want to go through support to do that because I have no idea what I'm doing. I can't perform the proper Yum commands because the repository isn't valid anymore.
I went through the proper steps to update the repository, but that's not working either.