2 R600 Unleashed APs
1 Ubiquiti PoE Edgerouter with 48v power supply
2 100 ft. Cat6e PoE cables
3700 sq. ft. 2 story house with 20 ft. Ceiling in foyer that is in center of house and same height as the ceilings on the 2nd floor rooms.
Microsoft Surace Pro in my office. 20 ft below and 30 ft latterly from desired AP mounting location. Almost line of site visible if AP is located within 8 inches of the wall.
I uploaded 3 pictures. The AP would be mounted on the ceiling just outside the 2nd floor French doors.
The laptop is located just below the small white photo you can see looking down from the AP location.
In The picture looking up from the laptop, the AP point would be visible through the small window above the lower French doors.
Can I expect a strong signal at the laptop given the height and sharp angle?
Thank you