Those Unleashed instructions are for the first AP in a new network.
Subsequent unleashed APs automatically join the existing Unleashed network.
You should have already run through a similar setup on your ZoneDirector.
Now APs will be automatically picked up by your ZoneDirector and added to its network.
All subsequent configuration is via the ZoneDirector.
The only issue is if the APs are on a different subnet (i.e. there is a router between the ZD and the AP). In this case
you don't need to connect to each AP's SSID - you can ssh into the wired IP they were allocated, and tell them where to find the ZD using the "set director ip" command. Or you can plug them into the ZD once, then redeploy them once they've been adopted by the ZD.
If there is no router between the ZD and the APs (i.e. your switch is just an L2 switch, and your existing router is handing out DHCP addresses for everything on your network), then a factory reset may fix connectivity (maybe they were already used before). You might also make sure you haven't forced new APs to require approval in your ZD (see