Thank you pmonardo.
Do you know if there is any documentation around this? I am really struggling to find any...
We're looking to set up a redundant system consisting of two data planes and a switch stack (amongst other things). If you see the diagram below;

What I was hoping to do is have something like the above, whereby the MGMT and Data ports of Dataplane 1 are in a LAG across the switch stack in to different physical switches, and the same for Dataplane 2. Those lines in the diagram may be a little confusing, they wouldn't be the LAGs, it would be;
Dataplane 1;
LAG 1: MGMT 1 + MGMT 2
LAG 2: Data 1 + Data 2
Dataplane 2;
LAG 3: MGMT 1 + MGMT 2
LAG 4: Data 1 + Data 2
Each LAG would be two physical ports on the separate switches.
I guess my question is, is this possible, sounds like it should be from your previous post, and what configuration do I need to do on the Dataplanes?