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Hi,Why someone AP's are rebooted and the SCG show me te message "rebooted because of [system fault]We have SCG firmware 1.1.2.*

New Contributor

RUCKUS Team Member
To diagnose this issue Ruckus Support will need the support info file from the Access Points to determine the reason the AP's are rebooting.

If the Access Points are currently connected to the SCG then you can download the support info file by clicking on the MAC address of the Access Point in the Monitor::Access Points screen of the SCG WEB-UI and then selecting the "Download Support Log" tab found at the top of the AP detail page.

If the Access Point is not connected then the support info can be retrieved by connecting to the AP' IP directly using a browser. In Maintenance::Support info wait for the page to load then select "Save to Local Computer" and then right click on the supportinfo.txt link to save the file in it's original format.

Please open a case with Ruckus Support and add the Access Point support info files.

In addition, download the communicator log in the SCG under Administer::Diagnostics > Application logs. This log includes AP to SCG syslog messages that may provide additional clues to what may be the issue.

New Contributor
Thanks Albert...! Let me work on that...!

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