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AP R510 can't connect to ICX7150 "ICX Switch is Connecting"

New Contributor

I have one ICX7150 and two R510 AP .

ICX7150 - FW Version:09.0.10dT211 (SPS09010d.bin)

R510 - FW version:

R510 can't connect to the ICX switch and shows "ICX Switch is Connecting". It used to work with the old FW release, what is going on ? SSH is enabled, I can manually SSH to the Switch or AP 

I saw a lot of other questions about the same topic but nothing there helped 


I've already done step 1

I've created user super with password "pass" but is that the default password R510 is trying to use for the "super" user? 


it did not make any difference at all 

New Contributor

I've already done step 1

I've created user super with password "pass" but is that the default password R510 is trying to use for the "super" user? 

Hi @ohabib 

Hope you are doing well ! 

Once you have done the following command 

crypto key generate ec size 384

basically what we need to know the username ands password from the Switch to add it correctly on the step 2 ( Doesn't matter the credentials of the access points ) 

On the Unleashed dashboard

Basically we are creating a tunnel , which we need to match the credentials  accessing the Unleashed dashboard and telling it the username and password from Switch , the unleashed will try to access to  Switch using those credentials and joining the ICX to the unleashed.

1-Hit Add on that dashboard 


2-Put the IP address of the ICX switch (ICX-7150-C12P)

3-Username and password for Switch authentication that we created on the Switch 

device(config)# username super password pass
Where the username is ’super’ and password ‘pass’

To sync the data, it will take us a while, so after a couple of minutes it should say connected

Best Regards 

Fernando Vasquez 

New Contributor


Hi Vásquez_Fer

no luck, I tried to remove the user accounts and recreate new ones for the switch. I also removed the switch from the unleashed and manually added it by Ip/user/password


it does not move from connecting state. It asked me to enter credentials for the switch .. I did and it stays connecting 


is there any other relative settings in the unleashes or switch side to control the authentication ? 



Hi @ohabib 

Please run the following commands : 

ICX7150-48ZP Router>enable

No password has been assigned yet...
ICX7150-48ZP Router#
ICX7150-48ZP Router#conf t
ICX7150-48ZP Router(config)#crypto key generate rsa

Generate the following users username super and password pass 

device(config)# username super password pass

Where the username is ’super’ and password ‘pass’

Then delete the existing switch on the unleashed dhabsoard and add it back 

Please wait for some time is not immediate if after 30 minutes the switch has not sync please sent me another 

-Show logging  

Fernando Vasquez 

Best Regards 

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