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issues with ICX 1750 C12P

New Contributor

I have an ICX 1750 c12P that seems to be brain dead?

The syst LED is amber, is that normal?  I thought it should be green?

None of the status LEDs are on, pressing the status button nothing happens.

I tried to do a factory reset per the manual, (hold reset button down while applying power), all the LEDS blinked amber but nothing happens after that.

Is it a boat anchor now?


RUCKUS Team Member

Hi David,

Hope you are doing Great!!!

As per the install guide:try to rest one more time:
Performing the factory reset
Perform the following instructions to use the reset button to do a factory reset. This is applicable from R08.0.70 and later.
1. Remove power from the switch.
2. Press and hold the reset button and apply power to the switch.
3. Release the reset button after all of the system LEDs flash amber.
When all the system LEDs blink green, all the configuration data is being erased and the switch is returned to its factory
configuration. When all the system LEDs are solid green, the erase process is complete and the system will reload. Once reloaded
and the SYST LED is steady green the factory reset is complete.

If it still does not work please open a trouble ticket with the TAC using the following link:



